
Would you like to discover many plants ? Would you like to see
all the variations there can be within plants of a same species
Click on the name of the species listed below or make a search.
If you want to view all the plants shown, click the menu Search,
and then start the search.
The pictures presented are our
property. If you want to make use of them, please ask
us before.
Genus |
Species |
 | Adromischus | |  |  |
 | Aloe | |  |  |
 | Gasteria | acinacifolia |  |  |
 | Gasteria | batesiana |  |  |
 | Gasteria | baylissiana |  |  |
 | Gasteria | bicolor |  |  |
 | Gasteria | brachyphylla |  |  |
 | Gasteria | carinata |  |  |
 | Gasteria | disticha |  |  |
 | Gasteria | ellaphiae |  |  |
 | Gasteria | excelsa |  |  |
 | Gasteria | glauca |  |  |
 | Gasteria | nitida |  |  |
 | Gasteria | pillansii |  |  |
 | Gasteria | pulchra |  |  |
 | Gasteria | rawlinsonii |  |  |
 | Groups | "Collection" |  |  |
 | Groups | teste |  |  |
 | Haworthia | arachnoidea |  |  |
 | Haworthia | aristata |  |  |
 | Haworthia | attenuata |  |  |
 | Haworthia | bayeri |  |  |
 | Haworthia | blackburniae |  |  |
 | Haworthia | bolusii |  |  |
 | Haworthia | bruynsii |  |  |
 | Haworthia | chloracantha |  |  |
 | Haworthia | cooperi |  |  |
 | Haworthia | cymbiformis |  |  |
 | Haworthia | decipiens |  |  |
 | Haworthia | emelyae |  |  |
 | Haworthia | fasciata |  |  |
 | Haworthia | floribunda |  |  |
 | Haworthia | floribunda/chloracantha |  |  |
 | Haworthia | gracilis |  |  |
 | Haworthia | habdomadis |  |  |
 | Haworthia | heidelbergensis |  |  |
 | Haworthia | herbacea |  |  |
 | Haworthia | hybride |  |  |
 | Haworthia | hybride/cultivar |  |  |
 | Haworthia | kingiana |  |  |
 | Haworthia | koelmaniorum |  |  |
 | Haworthia | limifolia |  |  |
 | Haworthia | lockwoodii |  |  |
 | Haworthia | maculata |  |  |
 | Haworthia | magnifica |  |  |
 | Haworthia | maraisii |  |  |
 | Haworthia | marginata |  |  |
 | Haworthia | marumiana |  |  |
 | Haworthia | minima |  |  |
 | Haworthia | mirabilis |  |  |
 | Haworthia | mucronata |  |  |
 | Haworthia | mutica |  |  |
 | Haworthia | nigra |  |  |
 | Haworthia | nortieri |  |  |
 | Haworthia | outeniquensis |  |  |
 | Haworthia | parksiana |  |  |
 | Haworthia | pubescens |  |  |
 | Haworthia | pulchella |  |  |
 | Haworthia | pumila |  |  |
 | Haworthia | pygmaea |  |  |
 | Haworthia | reticulata |  |  |
 | Haworthia | retusa |  |  |
 | Haworthia | rossouwii |  |  |
 | Haworthia | scabra |  |  |
 | Haworthia | schuldtiana |  |  |
 | Haworthia | semiviva |  |  |
 | Haworthia | sordida |  |  |
 | Haworthia | springbokvlakensis |  |  |
 | Haworthia | tortuosa |  |  |
 | Haworthia | truncata |  |  |
 | Haworthia | variegata |  |  |
 | Haworthia | venosa |  |  |
 | Haworthia | vlokii |  |  |
 | Haworthia | wittebergensis |  |  |
 | Haworthia | zantneriana |  |  |
All the photos presented show a part of our collection. The
references PE correspond to the first letter of our both names)
and their number was allocated when we acquired them or made
Just a few (about 3 pictures) are not our plants
: Cok Grootscholten provided us with them to complete our site.
For those few plants, the collection references begin with CG.
The names used are those corresponding to those of Bruce Bayer
in Haworthia Revisited.